A Successful Nesting Season!

A Successful Nesting Season!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 2nd Final Check with 2nd Graders

The 2nd graders all went out yesterday to check the open pods one last time before 5th grade graduation and the end of school. The students and Mrs. Campbell, a loyal purple martin landlord, had noticed quite a bit of sparrow activity in the pods since the boarding up of the white condos. Sure enough, the sparrows had built a HUGE nest in pod #4. After waiting 2 full days to check, they had time to build and then lay 3 eggs. Truly amazing! It makes me wonder if we should open some of the white condos to keep the sparrows away from the pods? Other than removing any sparrow nests, the other important job of the landlords is to make sure no birds or predators are getting to the precious eggs. Our momma martin flew out of her pod when we arrived and stayed close, circling just above us the entire time. She is such a protective mom! :) Our eggs were just fine and looking at the additional leaves in the nest and the position of the eggs, we could tell that the martin pair have been working to make things comfortable when the babies hatch! Though school is now over, I will be checking the houses often. You can BET I will be there June 6,7 and so on to check if there is any cracking in the eggs! Check back for times I might be going and you are welcome to join me!

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